Tuesday, September 4, 2012

UVa Law & Business Transactional Clinic: Using My Law School Skills to Serve Darden Clients

Last spring, I was enrolled in the law school's Law & Business Transactional Clinic, through which 5 other law school students and I were matched with Darden students in the Summer 2012 Darden Business Incubator.  The Darden entrepreneurs (both first and second-year students) were looking to get their start-ups off the ground over the summer, and the law students (mostly 3Ls plus me) were responsible for helping the entrepreneurs identify potential legal issues and for providing basic, initial deliverables, such as entity formation documents, website terms and conditions of use, etc.  It was definitely one of the best courses I've taken at the law school, primarily because I love any practical course in which I feel like I'm actually learning a real skill or helping DO something! 

To learn more about the clinic (and to see some horrible YouTube video footage of me talking about it), check out the law school's news release

So long, summer

Although those of us at UVA didn't get to enjoy a long weekend for Labor Day (typical Darden joke about this: "It's because we're not labor; we're management"), for most of the rest of the country, yesterday marked the unofficial end of summer.  Before we get too far removed, I wanted to share some photos from one of my favorite activities this past summer, which I spent in Boston.

Each year, Revere Beach hosts a sand sculpting festival.  These sculptors aren't just making fancy sand castles, reminiscent of your youth.  Sand sculpting is something entirely different.  Take a look:

Each year, there's also a central "castle"-like sculpture in the center that's paid for by the sponsors of the event.  This year's commemorated the 100th anniversary of Fenway Park (GO RED SOX!!!). 

Want to know who won the competition?  Find out here.

While I was reminiscing, I realized I also had pictures from 2011's competition that I never posted, so here are those:

And the 2011 central "castle" with all the sponsor names:

So long, summer.  It's been fun!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

It's a small world after all (*cue song from ride at Disney World*)

Hi, delinquent blogger here. Yet again, I totally fell off the face of the blogosphere. Sorry 'bout that. But I'm back now! Quick update, with more details to be filled in later: I'm back in Boston this summer, working for Summer Firm #2 (to distinguish it from the Boston law firm I worked at last summer, Summer Firm #1) and otherwise engaging in Boston-related shenanigans.

Tonight, I was reminded of reason #1,485,423 that I love Darden:
I [semi-randomly*] decided to attend a Darden alumni "TNDC" event, where, among other cool Darden alumni, I met a woman who, during the several months after she graduated from Darden (circa 2003), worked with the same Charlottesville-based biotech start-up that I worked with during my first summer (circa 2010). This might sound like it's a non-event, but since this company has literally had zero full-time employees in its existence, what are the odds that I run into one of the only other people on the planet who has worked with this same company, in BOSTON, and we happen to start talking about our career paths (which are otherwise very different) and realize that we both had a short-term stint with this start-up? The Darden network is amazing in its ability to remind you (1) that it's a small world, and (2) you can go so many places with a Darden degreee, regardless of what you do during either your internship summer or right after graduation.

*credit for letting me know about this event at all goes to Julie